Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Thing 12

I love the Google search engine but what I also like about Google is the other web tools available at the site. Google translator will be a great tool to use in the classroom. It has 66 different languages that it will translate to. So if I have a student in my class that speaks little or no English, this is a great way to communicate. As a class we can get on Google translate and use it to learn words in different languages or to help communicate with our pin pals in other countries.
I also like Google calendar. I set up an account to use it and it will synch the events on your mobile devices with your calendar on Google. Pop ups will appear online to remind you of events that will be taking place. Using Google calendar, you are able to share it with family member and friends. I am eager to use this tool in my classroom. This is a great way to keep parents posted on events that will be taking place in both the classroom and the school.

Thing 11

As I stated in my last post, RSS is a very useful tool that helps stay current on events by using one site. While browsing, I felt the easiest way for me to look up information that I was interested in was by using search. I searched social networks and I love it.  There is information about why you should reconsider being friends with clients and in our case, students or even parents on facebook. It gives tons of other tips on how to use social media in your everyday life or in businesses. I also like the fact that you can also connected with friends and family on google reader on other social medias. So whenever they make a post you will see them on your news feed there.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Thing 10

I have never heard of RSS until today before posting on my blog, but without realizing it knew what it was. RSS and newsreaders are a great way to keep current on everything around you by simply using one website. This is a great tool to have in any area of your life whether it be in the classroom or for personal use.  When using RSS and newsreaders, all you have to do is subscribe to websites or click on the orange button with waves coming from it, and everything from that site will appear on your news feed. I subscribed to free tech 4 teachers, and all the post I have read are really interesting and useful. I can really see using this in the classroom for sources. The only disadvantage about using RSS is not being about to comment on the post. In order to do so, you must go to the actual site.

Thing 9

Creating a image generator was fun but a little challenging at first. I do like being about to make signs to say whatever I want them too. These image generators can be used in the classroom and library. They can be used to post creative signs or messages to catch the student's attention and remind them of things they should be doing. I think having signs with just verbs around the library would be neat. In the classroom, signs of encouragement would be useful also. The students will be remind each day of motivational words and positive reinforcements.

Thing 8

Jigsaw is a fun and brilliant way to turn your own pictures into puzzles. All you have to do is upload it to the site and it will create it for you. It is very creative. This is a great tool to use in the classroom. The teacher could take pictures of each individual student or the students as a whole and create puzzles for them to do during centers or some sort of free time. The students will enjoy seeing their peers or own faces on puzzles they are working on. 

Thing 7

This photo was taken by photographer, Peter 101. I chose this picture to share with everyone because the picture is very beautiful and symbolic. It is a flower bud waiting to blossom. When I think of students, I think of this bud. The bud full of potential, bright with colors, and always adsorbing the sunshine and rain which it receives its nutrition needed for growth. Students are also buds waiting to blossom. They are full of potential, bright with their imaginations, and ready to adsorb any information around them which they will use in some point of time during their lives. Give the right fertilizer (teachers), they will blossom into wonderful children, amazing adults, and heroes changing the world. 

Monday, February 4, 2013

Thing 6 is a great site created for its users to share life memories with anyone they choose. Their slogan caught my attention. "Share life with the ones you love." In the school settings, that is exactly what we want to do. We want to share how our students are doing with their families, friends, and everyone they love. Path is available online but also for mobile devices in their app stores of both iTunes and androids which allows the students to share their memories with everyone at the moment they experience them. This app would be great from sharing videos of class projects, experiments, or everyday activities with love loves, or other students across the world. It has a camera ready to story any pictures or videos taken while using the app. It provides its users access to chat with friends, post about everyday activities, and comment on others life's memories. is a great app to use to share memories with the ones you love!!!

Thing 5

Web 2.0 - What is it???

According to wikipedia, Web 2.0 is used to describe web sites that use technology beyond the static pages of earlier web sites. Web 2.0 is a new way of creating, collaborating, editing, and sharing user-generated content online. The Web 2.0 tool is made easy to use for everyone and every age. The information provided by these tools are for many subjects and ideas all available online for the students, teachers, and general public's mastery. The use of technology is expanding so much throughout the country and world that school 2.0 to me means each school in every district, county, and state will eventually be creating, collaborating, editing, and sharing it's own information with parents and other schools around the country and/or world. 

Web 2.0 is opening many doors for schools of the future. It is allowing students to use their mobile devices which was first prohibited, for the advancement of their education. Apps, video sharing, blogs, and many other tools are available for the schools of the future so they will have access to everything they need to enhance their student's learning, in their own classroom. Thank to technology, teachers have access to tons of resources that were once limited. 
If anyone should have difficulties with learning how to use Web 2.0 sites,   is a great site to start with.
Other useful 2.0 tools that will help in the classroom or everyday life are Top 100 Web 2.0 tools and 50 Web 2.0 tools that are still very useful but did not make the top 100 list